Our Life in Germany

Pictures and stories from our life across the Atlantic ocean.

Friday, June 30, 2006


Best friends forever...

This is Sarah and her cousin Molly. Molly is four months older than Sarah.

A girl and her Papaw

Waiting for a ride....

Helping Papaw with hay

Checking out the pollywogs

Hunting for eggs and seeing what the Easter Bunny brought

A few more egg hunt pictures

Sarah on Easter morning digging into her candy

With the cousins in Kentucky

The "Stepford Children," AKA Sarah and her cousins...guess which ones are brothers and sisters?

Hunting for Easter eggs in her miniskirt and matching jacket...

First haircut

Sarah had her first haircut in DC when we were there in April.


After. Pretty girl!

More zoo pics

"what's that?"

What she was looking at....

Of all the animals at the zoo.....her favorites were the cows in the petting zoo. She went nuts when we went to kentucky--cows and horses were everywhere!

Sarah's first Zoo trip

At the National Zoo in March...too bad there aren't any zoos in Turkey:)

These pictures show Sarah's reaction to the elephants at the zoo. She loved the animals.

Martin's promotion

As a First LT...

Oath of Office

Pinning on (Sarah was more interested in the crowd than in her Daddy)

Me first....

Me on the Rhine River Cruise in Germany...and after the Rhine River cruise, pointing to some weird German "artwork." It's a papier mache high heeled shoe on the end of a tree branch, I think.

This is my new haircut...although I have to go off base and pay someone $2 to fix it for me because I really can't do it myself. When I do, it does not look good:).

Bad blogger...

Okay, I'm terrible....I haven't updated in a long time. Here is what's happening with us. In March and April we visited our friends and family and spent a week in DC for a TDY Martin had. Martin is busy studying for his language test and the GRE, both of which he's taking in the next few months. I started another Master's degree with Embry-Riddle, the school I work for. I also got to take another trip to Germany for work last month. Sarah is busy bossing everyone around and swimming in the pool every day. She had lots of fun in Kentucky and still asks to see her cousins all the time. Last weekend Martin and I went to a resort about two hours away on the Mediterranean Sea. It was beautiful and we had lots of fun. Tonight we are leaving for the long weekend to go to Alanya, which is about 8 hours away by bus. We are taking Sarah this time. We'll see how that goes :).
I am going to post pictures of our trip home, Martin's promotion to First Lieutenant last month, and my trip to Germany. Hopefully when we get back next week I will post some pics of Alanya.